Monday, March 2, 2015

Reading Review Week

This class has definitely been one that I have thoroughly enjoyed! Being a science major, I don't get to take very many classes outside of my major department, so it's been fun getting to experience a much different kind of class than I'm used to. Most of my classes require scientific reading and literature, so it's nice to get to read and dive into stories that are much more lighthearted and not as "matter of fact". My favorite unit that we have done so far was the Classical/Biblical stories. I really enjoyed reading some of the Bible stories that I was both very familiar with, and some that I was not so familiar with. The classical stories are also so interesting; I love learning about Greek/Roman mythology, so most of the stories were great options. I wish I could have had time to read through them all!
I think the reading diaries really help during the readings. They're a great way to look back and remember exactly which stories I really liked, and they are a physical reminder to what each of the stories were about. They have helped me tremendously when writing the storytelling post each week because they harp on the important aspects of the story, and they have also helped me come up with different ideas on how to make the stories more "my own".

The Storybook project idea was such a great idea! I think working a little here and there each week allows you to really break it up, and it keeps people from trying to do the entire project in one night, and let's face it...we're college kids. Everyone has procrastinated at least once in their life, haha. But, I've really enjoyed doing extra reading for my Storybook. We haven't reached the unit where the stories that I have chosen are located, so I've been reading outside of the required readings. I chose to do my Storybook over the Grimms fairy tales, and they are too cute! Some of them are really familiar stories, and others are brand new. I love the variety of old and new; it provides a bit of comfort, while still get the excitement of something totally unexpected.

I chose this image of Cupid and Psyche because it was one of the stories I read during the classical unit that I really enjoyed. I really enjoyed learning more about Greek mythology during the story, and it was one that I had never heard before. 

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree! I'm a health major and most of the classes that I take are also sciences and those definitely aren't as fun to read as these myths. I also agree that the reading diaries helped a lot, especially when I went back and looked at them to write my storytelling posts. I love the Grimms fairy tales! I can't wait to read your storybook!
