Thursday, April 9, 2015

Week 12: Famous Last Words

Well, these last 3 weeks have been absolutely insane. I had the wonderful opportunity to have a little vacation to Cabo during Spring Break, but as soon as I came back, I had to hit the ground running. I've had nothing but papers, tests, and projects in all of my classes, and it's seeming like it's never going to end. Luckily, there's a light at the end of the tunnel! Exactly one month from today, I will be graduating! And let me tell you, it's a super bittersweet feeling. I definitely can't wait because I'm excited to see what exactly the future holds, but I also am terrified because...well the exact same reason!

Since I'm there so many times a week (because I am a server),
I decided to include a picture of Chuy's.
As far as this class goes, I admittedly have not been able to commit as much time I was able to in the beginning of the semester. I am hoping to use this weekend to get caught up, and hopefully get ahead to where I am able to finish the course. I have really enjoyed all of the readings throughout each week, and I've really gotten to see a new perspective and style of teaching than I've ever had at OU. I'm so glad I decided to take this course because it has allowed me to use a little more freestyle writing than what I am normally used to in my other classes. This week, I unfortunately missed the deadline for the storytelling, but as I mentioned above, the g
oal I have set for myself is to try and catch up on everything this weekend.

Adding a little bit of excitement to the mix, my mom and sister are coming to visit Norman next weekend, so I am really excited for that! I definitely need a much needed break from school and work. I haven't seen either of them since Christmas, so it'll be fun to get to catch up with them.

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