Sunday, April 19, 2015

College Writing Review

Keep on Writing
My overall college writing experience has been a tad bit different than most students, I would say. In high school, I took Comp 1 and Comp 2 concurrently, and therefore was not required to take any writing courses when I started at OU. It was a very weird transition for me because being from Texas, writing is something that you are consistently tested over from 4th grade until you graduate high school. I have had to participate in very little writing throughout all of my time here at OU due to the fact that I am a microbiology major. The only writing I usually am required to complete involves formulating scientific manuscripts, which have a much different approach than say something like a narrative or a persuasive paper that one might be required to write for an English course.

I personally think it is crazy that even science students aren't required to take a writing intensive course. To my personal knowledge, there are currently no writing courses that are specific to science majors. I think creating a course of that nature would be very beneficial and would definitely only help those students who plan to further their education in the science/healthcare fields. There are so many jobs post undergrad that would definitely benefit from a course like this.

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